Product Design @Disney

Designing and modernizing Disney+’s core advertising platform.


Product Designer


Fall 2022 — Present


Figma, FigJam


What is Disney+’s “Enterprise Advertising Platform”?

While I can’t share the platform name nor too many details publicly, here’s what I can tell you: there exists a core digital ad sales platform that allows Disney streaming services to sell and execute across brands. This “Enterprise Advertising Platform” brings together key technologies such as ad trafficking, inventory management, campaign review, and preset management — all comprised of features that I’m dissecting, designing, and improving, whether they’re net-new or currently come from legacy products.


Project Goals 🕵🏻‍♀️

  • Consolidate programmatic and self-service ad buying into a singular addressable platform experience

  • Modernize the platform by applying an enterprise design language, both to legacy features and net-new tools

  • Design in ways that expedite and simplify user workflows (i.e., make the lives of ad managers & admins way easier!!)

Due to NDAs, I am limited in what I may publish.

To learn more, get in touch at!